The Phillips Family and Homeopathy
July 01, 2010
The Phillips family (Crest Copyright
produced three famous homeopaths in Britain during the 19th century, two
Surgeons and Medical Officers at the Manchester Homeopathic
and one Physician who inspired the Phillips Memorial Homeopathic
Charles D F Phillips (?1825 - ?1894), MD Aberdeen 1852, MRCS Edinburgh 1852, MRMS Edinburgh, ?brother of Edward Phillips and Robert Edward Phillips, was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Resident Surgeon and Physician at the Manchester Homeopathic Hospital, Member of the Manchester Homeopathic Medico Chirurgical Society, Member of the Cheltenham Homeopathic Medical Society, Member of the Northern Homeopathic Association,
Charles D F Phillips also practiced at Burlington House, Oxford Road, Manchester,
Charles D F Phillips attended the Homeopathic Congress in 1853,
Charles D F Phillips was an active prover of remedies, and he wrote On the Action and Uses of Ipecacuana, Materia Medica and Therapeutics (a book that sold many more copies than there were homeopaths in Britain at this time),
Edward Phillips (?1816 - 1875), MRCS England 1843, MD 1856, ?brother of Charles D F Phillips and Robert Edward Phillips, was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Medical Officer and Surgeon at the Manchester Homeopathic Hospital, Physician at The Lower Tottenham Infirmary for Woman and Children, Member of the Cheltenham Homeopathic Medical Society, Secretary to the British Homeopathic Congress (1853), Member of the Hahnemann Publishing Society,
Edward Phillips also practiced at Burlington House, Oxford Road, Manchester,, and at 2 Arlington Place, Oxford Road, Manchester,
In 1845, Edward Phillips was one of the signatories of a letter to the Morning Post, defending Paul Francois Curie whilst objecting to the particular diet he had recommended to a patient of his (a Mr. Cordwell),
In 1853, Edward Phillips was the homeopath of *Adolf Salis Schwabe (1800-1853), \*a German Jew who converted to Unitarianism, a calico printer and philanthropist, born in Berlin and an immigrant to Manchester, Chairman of the Manchester School of Free Traders, Adolf Salis Schwabe was a patient of Edward Phillips, and Patron of the Manchester Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary in
- Adolf’s wife Julie Salis Schwabe (1819-1897)** founded a number of elementary schools in Naples, and she also managed the Garibaldi Schools for orphans in Naples and Turin. This interesting couple founded [Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals]( has continued in business right up to the present day, spreading around the World, buying up pharmaceutical companies along the way, the company is now run by [Willmar Schwabe III, who is responsible for the marketing]( of Ginko Biloba. **Willmar Schwabe II was responsible for the introduction of Crataegus, and Echinacea in 1924. William Schwabe I practiced in Liepsig, and from 1866, his pharmaceutical company Homöopathische Central Apotheke has been producing natural and homeopathic remedies, and homeopathic remedy kits, which he sold initially in Germany and then in India, and eventually around the World. By 1912, Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals was called the largest and most celebrated Homeopathic Pharmacy in the World. In 1935, Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals was referred to as the largest and finest in the World. Today, the international subsidiary of Schwabe exclusively marketing its homeopathic range, has a leading position in the homeopathic sector. In 1987, Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals** *purchased _Boericke and Tafel _(see following chapters), thereby entering the American market. From 1870 onwards, Schwabe also opened a publishing house, which his son continued into the 20th Century. This publishing house published the [Leipsig Popular Journal of Homeopathy* (which has a monthly circulation of over 55,000 copies)](, a very influential and long lived publication, being the official journal of the German Homeopathic Society. Willmar Schwabe published the 6th Edition of Samuel Hahnemann‘s Organon of Medicine. The Scwabes were also friends ofJames John Garth Wilkinson.
Edward Phillips’ Obituary is in the British Journal of Homeopathy in 1875,
Edward Phillips submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications, and he wrote On the Dose and its Repetition,
Herbert Phillips (?may also have been a relative) was an advocate of homeopathy in 1873,
Robert Edward Phillips (?1853 - ?1888), ?brother of Charles D F Phillips and Edward Phillips, was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become Physician at the Phillips Memorial Homeopathic Hospital,
Queen’s Gardens are set in the shade of The Glades Shopping Centre that opened in 1991 in the centre of Bromley, with Kentish Way a major thoroughfare to the east. By the C19th the site was known as The White Hart Field and shown as such on the 1st edition OS map of 1871; it was used for public recreation and sports, and was named after the Inn of that name that stood to the side of the site. County cricket was played here until 1847.
In 1865 the ground floor of the White Hart Inn was opened as a homeopathic dispensary by Edward Gould, providing medical care to Bromley residents. The popularity of homeopathy led Dr Robert Phillips to open another practice in 1874 in 19 Widmore Road; he soon began collecting funds for building a much-needed hospital and in 1889 Bromley’s first homeopathic hospital opened. When it was decided to expand or build a new hospital, Coles Child, Lord of the Manor, presented Bromley with The White Hart Field in 1897, a section of which was given for the new hospital. The rest of the field remained in use for public recreation and was laid out with paths and planting, renamed Victoria Gardens in celebration of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. The gardens have since become known as the Queen’s Garden or Queen’s Gardens.
The original main entrance to the gardens in the north west corner was at the apex of a triangle adjacent to Market Square where there were fine ornamental iron gates, donated by Lord Kinnaird (George William Fox Kinnaird 9th Lord Kinnaird 1807 – 1878), a close friend of Coles Child. The gates, which Kinnaird had purchased at auction, date from the 1850s and had stood in front of his residence, Plaistow Lodge, on London Lane. In 1990, when The Glades Shopping Centre was constructed, the gates were moved to their present position in the southern part of the gardens.
Phillips Homeopathic Hospital had opened in 1900, was enlarged further in 1907, but it was bombed in WWII by a direct hit and although it temporarily became a home for homeless people, escalating costs meant that it was eventually demolished in 1951. From the outset patients had used the adjacent recreation ground during convalescence. When The Glades Shopping Centre was built, the site was reduced somewhat in size. The naming of The Glades, chosen through a competition in which local residents participated, reflected the leafy, green image of the borough in which Queen’s Gardens plays a part. Today the gardens have formal beds of annual bedding plants, tarmac paths, seats and a number of mature and semi-mature ornamental trees. The copper beech are especially fine.