William Allingham 1824 - 1889
June 18, 2010
Allingham 1824 -
1889 was an Irish man of letters and a poet, sub-editor of Fraser’s
Allingham was a friend of a great many homeopathic supporters and patients, including Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon (who recommended homeopath James John Garth Wilkinson to the Rosetti family), Robert Browning (who was enthusiastic about homeopathy and he took remedies and studied homeopathy and he also sent books on homeopathy to his friends), Thomas Carlyle (who was a patient of James Manby Gully (a friend of the family) and a friend of Robert Masters Theobald), Charles Darwin (who was very interested in homeopathy and received treatment from homeopath James Manby Gully, John Chapman and James Smith Ayerst at Malvern, Charles Darwin also consulted Frederick William Headland, and Edward Headland), Charles Dickens (who was a patient of James Manby Gully and a close friend of William Hering, Frederick Hervey Foster Quin, The Rosher Family, Marmaduke Blake Sampson and Robert Masters Theobald, and he was also a friend of John Epps), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (who was inclined to homeopathy as early as 1841 when he urged homeopathy on his father, and he became an outspoken advocate of homeopathy throughout his life, such that he was mentioned in several homeopathic journals, as was his wife), Dante Gabriel Rossetti (who was a close friend of homeopath James John Garth Wilkinson, who introduced him to Mrs. Wagstaff), John Ruskin (who was a patient of homeopath James Manby Gully, James John Garth Wilkinson, John Stuart Blackie, Octavia Hill, and Edward Acworth), Alfred Lord Tennyson (who was a patient of James Manby Gully and a friend of homeopath Robert Masters Theobald, and John Stuart Blackie),