Leonard Lambreght 1826 – 1898
October 01, 2009
Leonard Lambreght (Lambreghts)
(Lambrechts) 1826 –
MD Louvain
was a Belgian orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy,
member of the
Board of the Belgian Homeopathic Society, Honorary
of the British Homeopathic
Lambreght was a student of Gottlieb Heinrich Georg Jahr, a colleague of Prosper Schepens, and he was present at the International Homeopathic Congress in Chicago in 1894,
Lambreght practiced in Antwerp.
In 1835, Gottlieb Heinrich Georg Jahr founded the Belgian Homeopathic Society, with ten homeopaths representing seven cities were represented. This group was soon joined by:
Loosvelt of Tielt, Bogaerts of Thielrode, De Cooman of Oosterzele, Jean Francois Dugniolle, Elewaut of Haasdonck, Van den Stappele of Thermonde, Soenens and Victor Wullaert of Courtrai, Amand of Gavere, Dobbelaere of Bruges, Martiny, Gaillaird, Jules Gaudy, Baron Louis Joseph G Seutin, Huyvenaer, De Mulder, Chevalier, Fauconnier, Haemelrath, Edmond Mersch and Nyssens of Brussels, Lambreghts, Boniface Schmitz and Van den Heuvel of Antwerp, Bernard and Criquelion of Mons, Samuel Van den Berghe of Ghent; the veterinary physicians Mans of Brussels, pharmacists E Seutin and Van Berkekaere of Brussels and Dwelshauverses of Ghent…
The Board of the Belgian Homeopathic Society is composed of : President: Boniface Schmitz; Secretary: Samuel Van den Berghe; Treasurer: Edmond Mersch; Counsellors: Isaac, Lambreghts and Samuel Van den Berghe.
Lambreght’s Obituary is in The British Homeopathic Review, Volume 43 in 1899, and in the Journal belge d’homoeopathie, Volumes 5-6 in 1898, and in La Homeopatia: periodico mensuale propoganda organo de la …, Volumes 6-7 in 1898,
Lambreght submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications. and he also published cases of several people cured by tuberculin,
Of interest:
Anatole Lambreght, son of Leonard Lambreght, was also a homeopathy, and he wrote The Watering Places of the Pyrennes, and he wrote Cases Illustrating the action of Sulphur, Ignatia, and Sepia, and he also submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications,