Sue Young Histories

Jacques Baur 1920 – 2003

June 10, 2009

Jacques Baur 1920 – 2003 MD (photo used courtesy of Homéopathe International) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the editor of The Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien,

Jacques Baur was a student of Pierre Schmidt, and a colleague of Eugenio Candegabe, Catherine R Coulter, Harris Livermore Coulter, Jost Kunzli von Fimmelsberg, Proceso Sanchez Ortega, Dana Ullman, and many others.

The Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien, a French language journal, was founded by Pierre Schmidt and taken over by his former student Dr. Jacques Baur, a classical homeopath from Lyon.

… a Who’s Who of the Q-potency pioneers… Mathias Dorcsi, Hartmut Oemisch (1901–1992), Jost Kunzli von Fimmelsberg, Pierre Schmidt, Rudolf Flury and Adolf Voegeli, he lists Ernst H Schmeer, one of Adolf Voegeli’s students, Willi Sewerin - the founder of Arcana Remedies, Jacques Baur and Hanns C Laudenberg (*1915), the two latter being students of Pierre Schmidt

The cure alone really knows the patient, better than the doctor, better than the patient himself. It knows just where to locate the originating cause of the disorder and the method of getting to it. Neither the patient nor the doctor has as much wisdom or knowledge”. (Dr. Baur, Swiss Journal of Homeopathy No. 2/1961, p. 56)

Jacques Baur wrote Synthetic repertory: psychic and general symptoms of the homoeopathic materia medica, Bibliotheca Homoeopathica, Les manuscrits du docteur comte Sébastien Des Guidi, Homéopathie, médecine de l’individu, Un livre sans frontières: histoire et métamorphoses de l’Organon de Hahnemann,_ _La matière médicale homoeopathique, Avatars et aventures du remède homoeopathique, Homoéopathie quelques pages d’histoire, La symptomatologie homoéopathique dans le répertoire de Kent, and he also submitted articles to various homeopathic publications, including Die Arzneizubereitung in der Homöopathie. II. Teil. Zeitschrift für Klas­sische Homöopathie (1983) 4: 150-166,

Of interest:

Roland Baur is a German homeopath who is currently conducting scientific research into homeopathy at the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, D-10098 Berlin, Germany.

In 1990 Dr. Roland Baur initiated the Wittenberg Seminars on Homeopathy, courses for the further education of future homeopathic doctors. The first three years were supported by the Carstens Foundation. Since then, the seminars have become a renowned event.


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