George Schmid 1820 - 1882
May 23, 2009
George Schmid 1820? -1882 was a
Dutch? orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become one of
the first homeopaths in Holland, and the first homoeopathic physician
in charge of the
hospital, in
George Schmid was a low potency prescriber all his life.
George Schmid was the first homeopath to prove Cuprum Aceticum, and he also proved Lyssin.
George Schmid was a member of the Austrian Homeopathic Society, and a member of The Vienna Provers Union, George Schmid was a colleague of Archhorn, Joseph Attomyr, Carroll Dunham, Gaspar, Adolph Heinrich Gerstel, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Fleischmann, Frohlich, Clemens Hampe, Landersmann, Low, Matthias Marenzeller, Clotar Moriz Mueller, Charles Neidhard, Schaflin, Johan Schonfield, Schwarz, Tedesko, Viet, Walter, Philipp Anton Watzke, Franz Wurmb, Wurstl, and many others.
The first homeopathic doctors in the Netherlands were Johan Schonfield in Winshoten and a Dr. Schmid in Schiedam in 1834.
George Schmid was the first homoeopathic physician in charge of the Hospital of the Sisters of Charity at Gumpendorf, a suburb of Vienna. Dr. Schmid took charge when Homeopathy was first introduced into the hospital in July. 1833. In January, 1835, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Fleischmann succeeded him. (Meyerhoffer was a previous medical attendant at the hospital in 1832, and he successfully used homeopathic remedies to combat the cholera epidemic in 1832, paving the way for George Schmid).
George Schmid wrote a Homöopathische Pharmacopaeia, Das Choleragift, Hat die Homöopathie ein Recht auf die Staatshilfe?, Homöopathische Arzneibereitung und Gabengrösse (Ueber die Arzneibereitung und Gabengrosse), and he frequently submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications.
George Schmid’s Obituary is in The British Homeopathic Review in 1882. George Schmid left monies for a bursary at the Vienna hospital to assist medical students in the future.
Of interest:
A Schmid was a member of the Austrian Homeopathic Society, and a member of The Vienna Provers Union.
Franz Schmid 1920 - 1997 was a German homeopath, author and renowned expert of Paediatrics. He was also an expert on cell therapy and congenital diseases, especially Down’s Syndrome. He wrote Biological Medicine, and Handbook of Paediatrics.
Franz Schmid wrote Antihomotoxische Medizin, Homotoksykologia kliniczna,
Frederick W Schmid was a German homeopath who immigrated to America to become a Physician at the Marshall Hale Hospital (formerly the Hahnemann Hospital) in San Francisco.
U Schmid was a homeopath at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital with W H Heisler and Alfons Stiegele in 1938.
U Schmid wrote Gewichtete Approximation durch Polynome auf der reellen Achse, __