Sue Young Histories

Phillip Mann Wilmot 1806 - 1896

February 20, 2009

Phillip Mann Wilmot 1806 - 1896 MD Aberdeen 1849, MRCS, LAC was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, and he was a member of the British Homeopathic Association.

Phillip Mann Wilmot was also a colleague of William Edward Ayerst, Hugh Cameron, John Chapman, Matthew James Chapman, Edward Charles Chepmell, Paul Francois Curie, William Vallancy Drury, George Napoleon Epps, James Epps, John Epps, James Manby Gully, Edward Hamilton, George Calvert Holland, Richard Hughes, Joseph Kidd, Thomas Robinson Leadam, Victor Massol, J Bell Metcalfe, Samuel Thomas Partridge, Frederick Hervey Foster Quin, Henry Reynolds, John Rutherford Russell, David Wilson, Stephen Yeldham and many others.

Phillip Mann Wilmot practiced in Plymouth, 84 Marland Place in Southampton, at the Southampton Homeopathic Dispensary for the Poor, and at Camden Crescent in Bath.

Phillip Mann Wilmot’s Obituary is in The Homeopathic World in 1896, and in the Visitation of England and Wales in 1905. His wife Emma died in 1894.


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