Sue Young Histories

Hjalman Helledag 1855 –1922

December 03, 2008

Hjalman Helledag 1855 –1922 was a Swedish local district physician and homeopath, and the editor of Homeopatiens Seger (The Victory of Homeopathy) and a founder member of the Swedish homeopathic association Svenska Homeopatiska Läkareföreningen.

The first homeopathic journal Homeopatiska underrättelser för svenska folket was short lived (1855 – 1856). The editor was Peter Jacob Liedbeck.

Between 1907 and 1912 another journal came out Homeopatiens Seger (The Victory of Homeopathy) first in Örebro, later in Östersund. Hjalman Helledag was the editor who, according to an address list from the year 1911, practised as a homeopathic doctor in Östersund.

From 1909 to 1918 the popular journal Från Homeopatiens värld was published by Petrie Nicholas Grouleff.

In 1915, the Svenska föreningen for Vetenskaplig Homeopati, a homeopathic practitioners’ association (today a practitioners’ and patients’ association), brought out its own journal Sigyn.

In 1919, its title was changed to Homeopatiens Seger which was not only the name of the journal that had been founded some years previously, but also had the same editor: Dr Helledag.

Since 1948 this journal has been published as Tidskrift för Homeopati (Journal of Homeopathy). From 1974 to 1979 Arcanum: Tidskrift för homeopati also appeared in Gothenburg.

The first association of homeopaths was the Hahnemann- föreningen which had been founded in Gothenburg in 1909 in order to offer free homeopathic treatment for the poor and to start a homeopathic hospital.

Three years later the homeopathic doctors in the country joined forces as Svenska Homeopatiska Läkareföreningen. This was initiated by the aforementioned Dr Helledag and Dr Adolf Grondal (1841 – 1912) from Stockholm.


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