Thomas Engall 1821 - 1887
October 10, 2008
Thomas Engall (MRCSL 1843) 1821? -
1887 was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy,
at the West London Homeopathic
at the Hahnemann Hospital at 39 Bloomsbury
member of The British Homeopathic
of The British Homeopathic
and the Hahnemann Medical
Hahnemann Publishing
Thomas Engall practiced at 15 Euston Square and 67 Newman Street.
Thomas Engall was a student of Paul Francois Curie, and he was a subscriber to The Band of Hope Union and he attended the Homeopathic Congress of 1856. He was an advocate of Temperance. Thomas Engall was also a member of The New Sydenham Society in 1858 and a subscriber to The Religious Tract Society in 1863, and to The Royal Library of Windsor.
Thomas Engall knew the Staff of the Hahnemann Hospital at 39 Bloomsbury Square which included John Anderson, James Chapman, Edward Charles Chepmell, Paul Francois Curie, Robert Ellis Dudgeon, Joseph Hands, Amos Henriques, Robert Hamilton, Charles Hunt, Henry Kelsall, Joseph Laurie, Henry Victor Malan, James John Garth Wilkinson, David Wilson, William Leaf, George Wyld, Christian Karl Josias Bunsen, Thomas Egerton 2nd Earl of Wilton, Robert Grosvenor, Thomas Roupell Everest, Charles Powell Leslie, James More Molyneux, David Wilson, William Henry Ashurst, William Thomas Berger, W A Case, J M Douglas, G H Flatcher, John Fowler, Joseph Glover, Sydney Hanson, Thomas Higgs, T H Johnstone, John Miller, Chas Pasley, Mathias Roth, Frederick Sandoz, W Stephenson, Samuel Sugden, Allan Templeton, Major Tyndale, William Warne, A Wilkinson, S Wilson and many others.
Thomas Engall attended (Anon, The Homeopathic World, Volume 43, (1908). Page 236) the 2nd International Homeopathic Congress held in London (Anon, The Medical Counselor, Volume 7, (The Michigan State Homeopathic Society, 1883). Page 347) in on 11th-18th July 1881 (Anon, The Homeopathic World, (August 1,1881)) at Aberdeen House, Argyll Street, Regent Street.
Thomas Engall’s Obituary is in The Homeopathic World and The British Homeopathic Review in 1887. His wife Matilda died in 1872.
Thomas Engall contributed several articles and papers to The British Journal of Homeopathy on the Gentle Treatment of Spinal Curvature, and also to other publications.
Of interest:
Bovine G, Silver JR, Weiner MF, * The role of Edward Harrison’s (1766-1838) disciples, Thomas Engall, John and George Epps, Charles Hoyland, John Evans Riadore, John Robinson and John Baptiste de Serney in the treatment of spinal deformity in the Victorian medical world*. J Med Biogr. 2012 Feb;20(1):18-24.