Thomas Roupell Everest 1801 - 1855
June 01, 2008
Thomas Roupell
Everest 1800
or 1801 - 1855 was a lay homeopath, a patient of Samuel Hahnemann (Peter
Morrell, Hahnemann &
(B. Jain Publishers, 2004) Page 92), and one of the founders of
homeopathy in Britain.
His brother George Everest was also a patient of Samuel Hahnemann (Peter Morrell, Hahnemann & Homeopathy, (B. Jain Publishers, 2004) Page 92), and his daughter Mary Elizabeth Everest Boole was brought up in Paris and she knew Samuel Hahnemann, and she also studied mathematics with the French pioneers of the age, and also with the famous English mathematicians of the age. Mary Elizabeth Everest Boole was married to the famous mathematician George Boole.
Thomas Roupell Everest was the great grandfather of Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, and the grandfather of Margaret Boole, Lucy Everest Boole, Alicia Boole Stott, and Ethel Lilian Boole Voynich.
Thomas Roupell Everest was a friend of James John Garth Wilkinson, and he was also a friend of homeopath Moncure Daniel Conway, who linked together Erasmus Alvey Darwin, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Charles Lyell, and Thomas Carlyle, Charles Babbage, Erasmus Alvey Darwin’s brother Charles Darwin, Harriet Martineau, George Everest, Robert Everest (?brother of George and Thomas Everest - a geographer who lived in India). Publisher John Chapman and Thomas Henry Huxley were also part of this group.
Thomas Roupell Everest: son of William Tristram and Lucretia Everest married Mary Ryall (sister of Dr. John Ryall, Professor of Greek and Vice Principal of Queen’s College, Cork.
Thomas Roupell Everest obtained an MA Cantab and became Rector of Wickwar, (see these fabulous pictures of Wickwar Parish Church) about 5 miles from Chipping Sodbury (1830-55).
In 1837 left to live in France for almost 10 years leaving his parish in the hands of a curate. (Thomas Roupell Everest was a victim of the influenza that ravaged England in 1837 which left him an invalid for ten years, such that he was unable to do any parochial work).
Thomas Roupell Everest was a strong believer in homeopathy, which included some extreme treatments, such as ice-water baths. He was opposed to many accepted medical treatments of the time and was also an occultist with an interest in mesmerism, trance and clairvoyance.
Ordained priest (Bristol) Sept. 3, 1826. Rector of Wickwar, Gloucester., Aug. 3, 1830-55-. Married Mary Ryall who died 1895, aged
- Ordained as Deacon in 1825 at Parochial Chapel of Saint Mary le bone after graduating from Pembroke College, Cambridge, and later as Priest at Bristol Cathedral in 1826. Disappears from Clergy List, 1856.
The first UK homeopaths were all close colleagues of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Paris and they came to England specifically to set up homeopathic practice in the 1830s. They were Frederick Hervey Foster Quin, Paul Francois Curie, grandfather of the scientist Pierre Curie, William Leaf, a rich London Silk Merchant, and Rev Thomas Roupell Everest.
Frederick Hervey Foster Quin’s medical practice in London was established in September 1832 at 19 King Street, while in 1844 he established the British Homeopathic Society [BHS] with 10 colleagues, and the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in 1849…
Frederick Hervey Foster Quin, William Leaf, Paul Francois Curie and Thomas Roupell Everest seem to have been part of an ‘inner sanctum’ of Samuel Hahnemann’s protégés in Paris. They established practices in the UK and later free dispensaries for the poor and also several hospitals.
William Leaf and Thomas Roupell Everest might perhaps be better described as ‘lay homeopathic zealots’, and Paul Francois Curie tended in the same direction…
Apart from Frederick Hervey Foster Quin himself, three other converts were very important in establishing homeopathy in the UK. These were the silk merchant William Leaf, the Parisian homeopath Paul Francois Curie and Rev Thomas Roupell Everest. All were intimate members of Samuel Hahnemann’s circle in 1840s Paris at the close of his life.
As far as we know the first lay practitioner in the UK was Rev Thomas Roupell Everest [1801-1855], who was Rector of the small village of Wickwar, near Stroud in Gloucestershire.
He was treated by Samuel Hahnemann for asthma … and was an important lay homeopath. He ‘preached homeopathy from his pulpit’ …
Thomas Roupell Everest, like most people with that surname, hailed from Kent, having been baptised on 25 March 1801 at St Alphage, Greenwich, Kent, son of Tristram and Lucetta Mary Everest of Hampton Court, Middlesex.
Thomas Roupell Everest was a graduate of Pembroke College, Cambridge [c.1821] and was incumbent at Wickwar from 3 August 1830 until c.1855. He had two children, a son George born about 1830 (or 1835) and a daughter Mary born 1832…
Hahnemann Hospital 39 Bloomsbury Square
Patrons: Christian Karl Josias Bunsenand Thomas Egerton 2nd Earl of Wilton,
President: Robert Grosvenor,
Vice Presidents: Thomas Roupell Everest, William Leaf, Charles Powell Leslie, James More Molyneux, James Wilson partner of James Manby Gully,
Trustees: William Leaf, Charles Hunt,
Secretary: William Warne.
The Conditions for the foundations of the Hahnemann Hospital were to relieve the poor as in patients, to offer relief to out patients and to offer educational facilities to students and lay enquirers.
Thomas Roupell Everest wrote A Popular View of Homeopathy, A letter addressed to the medical practitioners of Great Britain, on the subject of homeopathy…, Heal the sick and cleanse the lepers as you preach the gospel: a sermon, preached in the Church of St. Augustine, Old Change, Cheapside, on Wednesday, April 9, 1851, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital, A sermon, preached in the church of St. Augustine, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital, A letter addressed to Dr. Rose Cormack,
Thomas Roupell Everest was (the brother) of
Sir George Everest [1790-1866], sometime Surveyor-General of India and after whom the mountain is named…
George Everest was a friend of the famous Indian mathematician
Radhanath Sickdhar who calculated the height of Mount Everest as part of the Great Trigonometrical Survey (GTS) of India in 1819, which involved thousands of Indians over four years and covered 1,600 square miles. George Everest called Radhanath Sickdhar a ‘rare genius’.
Thomas Roupell Everest published: A Letter addressed to the Medical Practitioners of Great Britain on the Subject of Homeopathy, 1834, Pickering, London, A Popular View of Homeopathy1836 (and in 1842 with annotations and a brief survey of the progress and present state of homeopathia in Europe by Amos Gerald Hull), his Letter is quoted in J Ellis Barker’s Miracles of Healing [pp.58-9].
Judging from these publications, Thomas Roupell Everest was probably practising homeopathy in the early 1830s. Judging also by the letters to and from Samuel Hahnemann, he had certainly come across homeopathy before 1833.
Thomas Roupell Everest also published Heal the sick and cleanse the lepers as you preach the gospel: A sermon, preached in the Church of St. Augustine, Old Change, Cheapside, on Wednesday, April 9, 1851, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital on Wed 9 April 1851, a sermon he had preached in London, delivered in favour of the said hospital, which was a homeopathic venture of Paul Francois Curie’s that did not entirely meet with the approval of Frederick Hervey Foster Quin.
Thomas Roupell Everest wrote to Samuel Hahnemann 1-5-1834 and 30-3-1838; he died 15 June 1855’ [Richard Haehl, 1922, vol. 2, pp.508-9].
Rev. Everest was a personal friend of Samuel Hahnemann during the latter years of his life and who certainly knew from his own lips…’ [Thomas Lindsley Bradford, 1895, p.46] ‘Everest was a zealous homeopath and promoter of homeopathy in England…’ [see Ruthven Mitchell, p.99].
It is of great interest that Michalowski, Sander and Sauerbeck [1989] give the sequence of remedies that Rev. Everest actually received from Samuel Hahnemann, taken from one of his French casebooks [Krankenjournal] of 1837-42.
Although Thomas Roupell Everest was an asthmatic, yet he seems to have received from Samuel Hahnemann a lot of remedies. A George Everest is also listed, probably his brother, who received Calc. carb 30 followed by Chamomilla 30.
Thomas Roupell Everest also wroteA Letter Addressed to Dr. Rose Cormack,
Of interest:
[]([Mary Elizabeth (Everest) Boole]( 1832 - 1916 [was born in England in 1832, daughter of Thomas Roupell Everest and Mary Ryall. When Mary was five, the family moved to Poissy (France)]( to [Samuel Hahnemann](, the founder of homeopathic medicine, as her father Thomas was seriously ill and they were seeking a cure...
Mary became very close to her father during their time in France, and she even participated in his homeopathic treatment.
Her uncle George Everest was the Surveyor General of India and responsible for completing the measurement of trigonometric India along the meridian arc from southern India to northern Nepal.
The end of the measurement of India allowed the subsequent measurement of Mount Everest (at that time without proper name) and calculate the height of its peak (and eventually named Mount Everest in George Everest’s honour).
The family returned to England when Mary was eleven years after her father had recovered from his illness and he became a Reverend of a Church in Wickwar, at the foot of the Cotswold Hills.
Mary used books from her father to continue her preparations in mathematics and she met the brilliant friends of her father such as John Herschel and Charles Babbage (papers of Charles Babbage here). Mary was removed from school to become an assistant to her father.
Mary was devoted to tasks such as visiting the elderly, give classes in a school on Sundays and helping her father with his sermons. Through her uncle John Everest, a Professor of Classical Languages at the Queen’s College, Cork, and when she was eighteen years, Mary met the now famous mathematician
George Boole who was Professor of Mathematics at Queen’s College, Cork and who became her guardian.
Mary told how George Boole had difficulties with the calculation and how the outdated method of learning Monsieur déplacées (actually this is Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace) had helped him. Mary shared a lot of time with George Boole both in leisure and in intellectual discussion.
After her return to England, Mary wrote to him and sent him some examples of her work in mathematics. George Boole moved to England two years later to train Mary in mathematical knowledge. George Boole wrote An investigation of the laws of thought dedicated to John Ryall, the uncle of Mary and whose execution she contributed significantly.
_An investigation of the laws of thought _was published in 1854 and brought about a revolution among mathematicians and thinkers of the time. In it, George Boole investigated the laws governing part of the mind that thinks things, these laws the expressed through an algebra of zeros and ones, which is what we now call ”Boolean algebra.”
Mary’s father died in 1855 and George Boole supported her in these difficult moments. That’s when their romantic relationship was consolidated and within a year were married. Despite the fact that Mary was seventeen years younger than George Boole, they had a good and happy marriage.
Over the next nine years, Mary and George Boole had five daughters called Mary, Margaret, Alice, Lucy Everest Boole and Ethel. However, this happiness it would soon fade.
Tragically, George Boole contracted pneumonia and died in 1864… (leaving Mary with five daughters and very little money.. nonetheless, Mary educated her daughters very well in mathematics and geometry, logic and thinking for themselves). (Mary sold the Royal Society’s gold medal… and became friendly with James Hinton who introduced her to The Cranks…)
The following year, Mary accepted a job at Queen’s College, London, which is the first college for higher education for women throughout England opened in 1847. During this time, neither women nor Jews could obtain university degrees or teach in college, so that although she loved teaching, Mary accepted a job as librarian. (Mary Elizabeth Everest Boole was a correspondent of Charles Darwin)
Through this employment Mary resolved the doubts of her students. Mary realized that she not only loved teaching but that she was good in this discipline…
For fifty years, Mary began writing a series of books and articles, which were published regularly until she died. Mathematics in occultism, The divining road, The schoolgirl medium and Collected works with Eleanor Meredith Cobham who also wrote Mary Everest Boole: A Memoir with Some Letters, About girls, What one might say to a schoolboy, Hooliganism, Philosophy and fun of algebra, The logic of love see Dick Tahta.
Mary had a group of friends who call themselves The Cranks. They met at a vegetarian restaurant in London. Mary Elizabeth Everest Boole wrote Are we berserks or christians? After some time, this group published a magazine called ”The Cranks” (with Charles William Daniel a principle organiser of the London Tolstoyan Society), in which Mary worked with numerous articles.
Mary Elizabeth Everest Boole’s first book, published in 1883 but written in the decade of the sixties, was a pioneering work in mental hygiene, Lectures on the Logic of Arithmetic, The preparation of the child for science had a big impact on schools in England and the United States in the first part of the twentieth century, The Mathematical Psychology of Gratry and Boole, The Forging of Passion Into Power, A Boolean Anthology: Selected Writings of Mary Boole on Mathematical … , Philosophy & Fun of Algebra, …Collected works… , Symbolical Methods of Study, The Message of Psychic Science to the World, At the foot of the Cotswolds, Suggestions for Increasing Ethical Stability, Logic Taught by Love, Some master-keys of the science of notation, a sequel to ‘Philosophy and fun … , Mistletoe and olive, an introduction for children to the life of revelation, Woodworker and Tentmaker.
Mary Elizabeth Everest Boole also wrote _Indian Thought and Western Science in the Nineteenth Century _where she argues that George Boole, Charles Babbage and Augustus De Morgan were ’intensely Hinduised’, and that these three men moved in circles heavily influenced by Indian philosophy, mathematics and astronomical ideas.
George Everest (1790-1866)
Father: William Tristram Everest (attorney, b. 1747, d. 18-May-1825) Mother: Lucetta Mary Smith Everest (b. circa 1766, m. 2-Aug-1786, d. 17-May-1809) Sister: Lucetta Mary Everest (b. 1787) Brother: John Everest (b. 1788, d. 1820) Brother: Robert Everest (minister, b. 1798, d. 1874) Brother: Thomas Roupell Everest (minister, b. 7-Dec-1800, d. 15-Jun-1855) Brother: Charles Everest (b. 1802, d. 1803) Wife: Emma Wing Everest (b. 12-Jul-1823, m. 17-Nov-1846, d. 21-Dec-1889, four daughters, two sons) Daughter: Emma Colebrooke Everest (b. 10-Mar-1849, d. 10-Feb-1852) Daughter: Winifred Crew Everest Wing (b. 13-Sep-1851, d. Apr-1910) Son: Lancelot Feilding Everest (attorney, b. 28-May-1853, d. 1-Apr-1935) Daughter: Ethel Gertrude Everest (b. 1855, d. 21-Mar-1916) Son: Alfred Wing Everest (b. 3-Aug-1856, d. 30-Oct-1928) Daughter: Beniigna Edith Everest (b. 3-Sep-1859, d. 24-Jan-1860)
High School: Royal Military Academy, Woolrich, England University: Royal Military College, Great Marlow, England
British East India Company Surveyor (1804-43) Surveyor-General of India (1830-43) Knight of the British Empire 1861 Royal Astronomical Society Royal Geographical Society Royal Society 1827 Welsh Ancestry
J R Everest was a member of the Committee of the Metropolitan Homeopathic Hospital for the Diseases of Children and Vaccine Establishment, alongside Wiliam Edward Ayerst, William Vallancy Drury, Charles W Luther, A H MacDonald, David Wilson,